Tuesday, August 26, 2014

MiniGrinder Paints Nethyrmaul, the Undying

Nethyrmaul, the Undying is a fantastic model of an undead dragon of the fleshy, zombie variety.  It is made by the wonderful folks over at Reaper.

For the paint scheme, I went with an undead red dragon as per the suggestions of many friends.  I painted this miniature in about 13 hours give or take.  It still isn't done.  I have to base it yet, and do one last round of touchups and highlights.  I like to look at a miniature for a few days after I have "finished" one.  This gives me time to decide what needs touched up.

I always do patterns and extra detailing if I can get away with it.  I wanted to come up with a skin pattern to use on Nethyrmaul, and future red dragon projects.  I often ask Google what I should do when tasked with creating nature's patterns.  A simple image search yielded me the Eastern Hog-Nosed Snake as a model.
Isn't it adorable.  I even liked the black tongue for this paint scheme.  In hindsight, there really wasn't much room to translate this pattern to the model, and it be recognized.  Which I understand from some point of view is a plus.  With this image, I went to work...

I didn't actually expect you to watch 99% of that.  Don't feel bad.  These videos serve as a reference.  If you wanna know how I did something, go find it and watch that part.  At some point, I may go back and edit these videos down into some kind of montage.  We'll wait and see...

I will produce one or two more parts to this MINI-series, hehe, in which I do some touch ups and base him.
Here are some current pics as well!


Monday, August 25, 2014

What it is yo...

I have always returned to Tabletop Gaming as my premier choice for a non-productive lifestyle.  Since before I even played, my brother and all his gaming friends would have to put up with me hanging around.  I loved the story telling.  I loved rolling the dice.  I loved the miniatures.  At some point 20 some years ago, I first laid a brush against a miniature.  Some more technical painters would classify me as a "Speed Painter".  I'd rather not associate myself with the "dippers" and the "drippers" of the crazed tabletop war gamer variety.

So what kind of painter of miniatures am I?  Well, I am the MiniGrinder!