So I have been doing quite a bit of character miniatures recently. Mostly touching up old paint jobs or finishing mostly finished pieces. I'm very proud of the work I have done on them, I just thought I'd share it with you.
First up is Reaper's Marius Burrowell, Gnome Thief. I painted him as a Gnomish Sharpshooter. The Monocle screamed sharpshooter to me, and I listened. This was an old paint job of mine from almost 3 years back. I touched him up. He was painted in a bit of a rush before. He looks much more stunning now!
Next up is my viking princess, Reaper's Aina the Valkyrie. I love this miniature. Anyone who knows me would understand. I painted her in my favorite color combinations. Greens and Golds. It just makes me think of money I think. Then I'm reminded that I don't have any... Anywho, this is a miniature that has been almost finished for about 2 or 3 months now. That doesn't often happen to me. When you paint as fast as me, there is no reason not to finish the damn spear! Alas, when I picked her up again I also gave her some touch ups.
Last up is our weaselly friend, Toreth painted as fancy elf fighter. Look how fancy.. Mr. Fancy-Pants he is. Toreth comes from Reaper's discontinued P-65 line of miniatures. It's a fine miniature and the modeler made it very easy to paint him. When painting his eyes, I messed up and gave him a lazy eye. I ended up fixing the other eye to match the lazy eye. This gave Toreth Fancy-Pants character.
Did I mention how broke I am? Well you can buy all these miniatures and others on Ebay! I would like to start building terrain and buildings from plaster molds. Unfortunately that cost's money. When I flip some mini's, I can't wait to start that project up.
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